Celebrity’s visit to Landikotal sparks debate


By Ashrafuddin Pirzada

LANDIKOTAL: Noted Pashto folk singer Gul Panra video at official compound in Landikotal not only sparked controversial debate but religious political parties also gave call for protest today(Monday)against her alleged violation of sanctity of local norms and traditions.

A source privey to the incident disclosed that Pashto singer Gul Panra along with a family of a political backgorund from Peshawar visited Landikotal where she shot a video clips at lawn adjecent to assistant commissioner’s residence without any official permission.

Later, the folk singer uploaded her short video clips she had allegedly recorded at assistant commissioner Landikotal official residence located in cantt area.When the video clips went viral on social media sparked a controversial debate from different sections of society including local elders and religious clerics.

Elders while criticising the local authoroties said that they should not allow recording of tik tok videos at official residence,adding that the place used be for holding tribal Jirgas and other good purposes.They further said that though Gul Pabra was on her private visit but she took an advantage of her access to official compound for recording videos.

Jamiat Ulema Islam-Fazl and Jamat-e-Islami in their separate statements issued here condemned the Pashto singer’s video made in an official compound right under the nose of the authoroties concerned.JI also give a call for a protest today(Monday) against the sheer negligence of the responsible officials.

Deputy commissioner of district Khyber Mehmood Aslam Wazir told The News that on the request of a political family in Peshawar they permitted them to visit Landikotal.He however, said they were not aware that Gul Panra was also accompanied them. Deputy commissioner said the person who had taken Gul Panra to Landikotal not only appologized for shooting the video at the official residence but also regreted saying that Gul Panra had done it her own.

When assistant commissioner of Landikotal Muhammad Imran Khan was contacted he said that they were not informed that Gul Panra was also accompanied them.

” I was lon my official duty and was not formally informed of her visit to Landikotal”said Imran. AC added that he had ordered an inquiry to look into the matter to find out who were responsible for the mess.

However, the local social avtivists were of the view that such celebroties should be encouraged and invited to the militancy hit area to promote tourism and local culture.

They argued that erlier several heads of states, national and international celebrities and dignatries including princess lady Dayana late and Pashto Afghan singer Naghma had also paid visits to district Khyber in the past.

It may be mentioned that Gul Panra along with few others including women escorted by police mobile vans were seen visiting Landikotal and Michni check post near the border via Khyber Pass and stayed for a short while at the assistant commissioner’s official residence where she shot video clips that created debates on various plateforms.