US Versities fairs Held In Pakistan


Ashrafuddin Pirzada

ISLAMABAD: After a three-year hiatus, Education-USA resumed the South Asia Tour, which brought 20 United States higher education institutions (HEIs) to the country, with six of those universities touring Pakistan for the first time.

Representatives of the institutions shared relevant information about academic programs, campus life, financial aid options, and application procedures with thousands of Pakistani students during school and university visits and college fairs in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.
According to the Institute of International Education’s 2022 Open Doors report, Pakistan saw a significant percentage increase—one of the highest in the region—in the number of students heading to the United States last year. With a wealth of educational opportunities, flexible and unique academic programs, and unmatched diversity in the student body, the United States is a premier destination for students from across the world.
“Nearly 8,800 Pakistanis study at universities and colleges across the United States,” said Minister Counselor for Public Affairs William Ostick. “The Open Doors report showed an increase of 17.4 percent over the previous year, and we want that number to continue to rise further.” The U.S. government is very proud to support the South Asia Tour, which will help Pakistani students choose a U.S. university.
Through valuable information sharing and in-person interaction between top U.S. HEIs and students, parents, counselors, and key school administrators, EducationUSA’s tour underscored the countless higher education opportunities available in the United States for Pakistanis while also showcasing the talent and drive of Pakistani students for the representatives.
“This fair has been a wonderful opportunity for reps from across the United States to visit Pakistan, tour our schools and universities, and see first-hand what value our talented students can add to their campuses,” said USEFP Executive Director Rita Akhtar. “This face-to-face interaction and information sharing have opened up higher education possibilities in America to Pakistani students while also allowing reps to build lasting and productive connections with local school and university counselors.”
EducationUSA is the official U.S. government source of information on U.S. higher education. It offers accurate, comprehensive, and current information on accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States and free guidance and assistance to students interested in applying to U.S. colleges and universities. In Pakistan, EducationUSA is hosted at USEFP, a bi-national commission established in 1950 by the governments of Pakistan and the United States. USEFP also administers the prestigious Fulbright Student Program and several other scholarships and fellowships for Pakistani students interested in studying in the United States.