Shabnam Bilal becomes seven times Pakistan champion

Shabnam Bilal is seen with her husband 'Bilal Yaseen, who is also several times champion at Pakistan level.

Nasib Shah Shinwari

LANDIKOTAL: The woman star of Pakistan table tennis history has won seven gold medals in seven national table tennis championships, giving a message that Pakistani women were also showing their best performance in the table tennis game.

Organized by Punjab Table Tennis Association(PTTA), the 55th senior national table tennis championship 2018 concluded at Lahore on 15th December where Shabnam Bilal, a brave and experienced table tennis woman player won her 7th gold medal on a national level.

In single women table tennis competition, Shabnan Bilal played well against Raheela Kashif, a senior international table tennis player and coach and due to her hand injury, Raheela withdrew and the umpire declared Shabnam Bilal as the winner of the 55th national championship in single women matches.

Shabnam becomes the seven times Pakistan champion in the 55th senior national table tennis championship 2018 held at Qadafi Stadium Lahore from 10th December to 15th December 2018.

It is to mention here that Shabnam Bilal has won five times Silver medals in several events held in  India and  Pakistan and she has also received the bronze medal at Bangladesh ‘Dhaka’ during the year 1993.