School principal asks journalist his children have to leave her school


Bureau Report
PESHAWAR: The principal of a private school expelled Children of a journalist who had asked for information on the funds the school year receive.

Ashrafuddin Pirzada had filed the application in light of the Right To Information act of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He had asked Aziz Jan school to give him details of funds they receive from the government or from foreign countries for free orphans. The applicant requested many schools including Aziz Jan Institute to provide him with information from 2015 to 2019 that how much funds they received and how much was used for orphans’ schooling, boarding, and food.

The mentioned school principal asked the applicant to come to her school where she clearly told the applicant that he had no right to ask about school funds they receive.
Ashrafuddin Pirzada told FVNA that he used RTI law to get such information. He said the school principal told him in harsh words that there was no place for his daughter Nimra Pirzada and Moeeduddin Pirzada in her school as he did wrong while asking for the information. He said the principal told the applicant that he must find another school for his children.

Pirzada requested Prime Minister Imran Khan and chief minister Mehmood Khan to take action against the Aziz Jan school principal. He said as a journalist it was his professional obligation for which he tried to stop writing about the use of public funds.
It may be mentioned here that allegedly Aziz Jan school clerical staff had provided admission s to their near and dear ones while poor and orphan children deprived of their rights.