First Aid training Arranged for journalists


Ashrafuddin Pirzada
PESHAWAR: The Centre for Peace and Development Initiative (CPDI) in collaboration with the US consulate in Peshawar on Tuesday arranged a day-long First Aid training for journalists.

Senior Rescue 1122 officer Inayatur Rehman was the resource person who taught about the journalist’s response in times of emergency. He said two major steps had to be taken during the emergency. He added that first you must stop the bleeding, clear your breathing path, and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Inayat said as first responders journalists must try to immediately stop the bleeding of wounded persons and call Rescue 1122. He said Internal and external bleeding usually occurs when someone gets injured in gunfire, bomb blasts, traffic accidents, and earthquake. He said first journalists must asses the danger at the incident site.
The participants have demonstrated the techniques that how to stop acute blood flow, measures of fracture and vital signs, artificial respiration, and how to restore heart beating.

Inayatur Rehman said they should focus on two major causes of death Severe Hemorrhage and Inadequate airway management).

CPDI Project Manager Noor Alam Khan said while talking to the participants said that the knowledge and skills of journalists were limited regarding the basic principles of first aid and life-saving. He said much of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was riddled with conflict where journalists and media workers were exposed to various threats. He said journalists need to be trained in the first aid service so that they could help injured persons in times of emergency.

He said the main objective of the First Aid training was to improve the first aid skills of media professionals in case of injury so that they can help themselves and other injured colleagues.