Hamza Shinwari death anniversary observed in Toronto


TORONTO: Afghan Network for Social Services (ANSS), paid a rich tributes to the literary services of legendary Pashto Poet,writer, thinker, and great intellectual Amir Hamza Khan Shinwari on his 26th death anniversary here in Toronto on Saturday.

A seminar in this regard was arranged to remember the poet which was attended a large number poets,intellectuals and Hamza Baba lover.

The seminar was orgamized  by the Afghan Network for Social Services (ANSS) Canada which held at the main ANSS office in Toronto.


The seminar was formally opened with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran recited by Mohammad Shafique Tasmim.

Speaking on the occasion, Zrawar Khan Mufakir, the Executive Director of ANSS and ANSS Board member and Chief editor of Fata Voice News Agency Fazal Amin shinwari, Zrawar Khan Mufakir, welcomed the participants and shed light on the life and poetry of Hamza Baba.

Zarawar Mofaker various aspects of Hamza Baba including his personality, philosophy and his poetry angle were the topics speakers talked on.

Talking to this scribe Amin Shinwari said that Hamza Shinwari was a great philosophical poet.
“Hamza Shinwari was a Sufi and a nationalistic poet at his time” Amin shinwari said l, adding that Hamza Baba was also a psychological and a poet of aesthetics.

The ANSS voice chairman Niamatullah Mojajididi said that Hamza Shinwari poetry and personality had multifaceted and he is being called Baba or father of Ghazal because of his unique poetry. He said Hamza written over 40 books and for the first time authored stories for movies and dramas,” he recalled.
During the literary session Prof-Afghan yaar, Engineer Kali wal Shinwari, Rokhan khadam, Modher Basheri, Ms Karima Kreamat, saidru den, Narhi wal, Ms sadiqa Azizi, hazart ghulam bakhsh mojadidi, Dr, Kamal,presented their papers on the Pashto legend Poet Ameer Hamza Shinwari life and poetry and received warm tribute from the participants at literary session.