ANP leader says peace on the door step of Afghanistan


By Ashrafuddin Pirzada

LANDIKOTAL: Welcoming the intra-Afghan piece talks, prominent tribal elder and Awami National Party senior leader Malik Darya Khan Zakhakhel on Sunday said that he was optimistic that the four decads long war could hopefully end soon and Afghan citizens would live a peaceful and prosperous life in their country.

ANP leader Malik Darya Khan was talking to mediamen at his resident said that they have blood and cultural relations with Afghan nation.He said he was hopeful that all stakeholders of the Afghan piece accord would respect to reach to the goal.

“Afghan soil is burning for the last 40 years that took thousands of lives which should come to its end”, said Darya Khan. He added the Abdullah Abdullah’s visit to Pakistan was a goodwell gesture to strengthen bilateral ties.

He said Pakistan and Afghanistan naturally and stratigically dependent on each other in means of trade and commerace. Darya Khan said opening of Torkham border for four days in a week was a good decision which would help relax passengers movement from and to Afghanistan.He said Pakistan and Afghanistan were coming closer which could be a milestone for future good relations  at the government level.

Darya Khan also welcomed the relaxed visa policy introduced for Afghan students and patients coming to Pakistan.He appealed the Afghan goverent to provide best possible facilities for Pakistani students and others living in Afghanistan.

“We have blood relations with Afghans that should be respected by both the countries”, the ANP leader said.

Like the other Pakistanis, Malik Darya Khan was also hopeful that after the successful talks between Taliban and US,Intra Afghan dialogues would fruitful.He added that he would play his role to bring close both the countrymen togather if he was asked.