ANSS observed ninth death anniversary of Ajmal Khattak


Fazal Amin Shinwari

TORONTO: Afghan Network for Social Services (ANSS), paid Rich tributes to the literary services of late ANP leader, writer, thinker, Progressive and nationalist poet, journalist and great intellectual Ajmal Khattak on his 9th death anniversary here at ANSS Office in Toronto on Sunday.

Afghan Network for Social Services (ANSS) Canada, Organized a commemoration event to Pay Tributes To Khudai Khidmatgar Ajmal Khattak in Toronto.
The commemoration event was hosted by experienced journalists Mrs. Aziza Siddiqi and Arif orya and it was officially opened by the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mohammad Shafique Tasmim.

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Opening remarks were delivered by Zrawar Khan Mufakir, the Executive Director of ANSS, and Niamatullah Mojadidi, the chairman Board of Directors of ANSS, Zrawar Khan Mufakir, welcomed the participants, in addition, he spoke about the late Legendary Ajmal Khatak, may his soul rest in peace. He also stated that ANSS is in the service of all Afghans and Pakhtun in Canada, and is proud that it started its strategic activities with the commemoration of such a legendary Afghan.

The son of the great poet Ajmal Khan Khatak, Mr. Aimal Khan Khattak valued Ajmal Khattak and said that he was a great personality not only in Pakistan and Afghanistan but in other parts of the world; poets, journalists, researchers, and writers have remembered him, and have organized a lot of commemoration events.
Mr. Roshan Khadim paid tribute to Ajmal Khattak as a poet and politician who made sacrifices for the rights of Pakhtuns. He said that he had close relations with Mr. Khattak who would be remembered by all Pakhtuns.
Director of Pashtun Council Canada Professor Saraj Khan who was also present at the anniversary function to pay tribute to Mr. Khattak spoke for the rights of Pakhtuns.