AC visits, inspected schools in Landikotal


Shamsul-Amin Pirzada

LANDIKOTAL: Assistant Commissioner of Landikotal Muhammad Imran Khan Saturday paid surprise visits to the Govt Primary and middle schools Latif Khan Killay in Khyber Zakhakhel area of Landikotal subdivision and inspected its various classes.

Flanked by other concerned officials and media person assistant commissioner Muhammad Imran Khan checked the overall situation of the government schools and inquired about the student’s and teachers’ needs. He also checked the staff attendance book and issued his directives to the Staff members to ensure all possible efforts for giving a model education to the future generation.
Muhammad Imran told the school headmaster Madad Khan Afridi to ensure cleanliness in the school and arrange sports events inside the school.
The official went to several classrooms and asked questions of students. He gave cash prizes to students who gave the right answers.
Later talking to The News assistant commissioner Muhammad Imran Khan said that he was directed by the Deputy Commissioner of Khyber to regularly visit schools, colleges and health facilities. He said they want to keep a check on the state-run departments so that they could ensure the best possible public services in Landikotal.
He said they were working on ghost schools and health facilities to provide staff in the far-flung areas of Tirah, Bazaar Zakhakhel and Loey Shalman areas.


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