Pakistan, Afghanistan agrees upon 7 points agenda


Fata Voice News Agency 

TORKHAM: The prime minister of Pakistan, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi after holding talks with the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani has agreed on the seven keep points agenda to bring peace, prosperity, and solidarity among the two Muslim countries.

According to an Afghan media report, the prime minister of Pakistan have a visit to the capital Kabul on Friday where he met the Afghanistan president.

The two Muslim states’ top officials agreed upon the seven key principles.

  1. Pak would support the Afghan-led peace and reconciliation process.
  2. The countries agree to take effective action against anti-state elements which are posing security threats either to Afghanistan or Pakistan.
  3. Each state would not use its soil against each other state.
  4. Both countries agree to work jointly for the implementation of this action plan through Liaison officers.
  5. The two states would not avoid violating the territorial and aerial space of each state.
  6. Pak and Afghanistan would avoid public blame games and the two countries would work together to respond to mutual issues of contention and concern.
  7. The two states would establish working groups and necessary cooperation mechanisms to actively implement the above action plan.

Pakistani premier Khaqan Abbasi called on Afghan President Ashraf Ghani at the presidential palace in Kabul and discussed various issues pertaining to the security of each state.

Afghan-led peace talks, violations of the Durand Line, construction of a railway track between Peshawar and Nangarhar, exchange of prisoners, and the repatriation of Afghan refugees have come under discussion between the PM and the president.

Both leaders agreed that the unpleasant and bad relations were not in the favor of both nations and that instead, they should work jointly to bring peace and prosperity to both states.  


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