Congo virus patient Salman Shinwari dies in Rawalpindi hospital


Shamsul-Amin Pirzada
LANDIKOTAL: A young man identified as Salman Shinwari son of Nisar Shinwari passed away after he was infected by the Congo virus.

Liaqat Shinwari, a family member of the ill-fated man told the media that Salman had slaughtered three sacrificial animals on post-Eid-day. He said as he slaughtered the animal fell ill and was admitted to the Hayatabad Medical Complex. He said after several days of medical treatment the HMC staff referred the patient to a hospital in Rawalpindi.

Nisar said, Salman was declared Congo virus-positive and breathed his last the other day. He was laid to rest in his ancestral graveyard in Pirokhel Landikotal.



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