Hamza Baba 27th anniversary observed in Landikotal


Ashrafuddin Pirzada

LANDIKOTAL: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture department with the collaboration of Khyber Pashto Adabi Jirga Thursday arranged the 27th death anniversary of the legendary Pashto poet Hamza Shinwari at Hamza Baba complex in Landikotal.

A large number of poets, intellectuals, and Hamza Baba lovers participated in the day-long seminar and poetry session.

Member of provincial assembly Shafiq Sher Afridi was the chief guest on the occasion.
Professor doctor Aslam Taseer, Abdul Samad Bacha, and doctor Zahid Mehsud presided over the different sessions.

Other poets from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa who participated were doctor Tawab Shah Masroor, Qandahar Afridi, Liaqat Ali Hasrat, Allah Aseer, Faisal Shinwari, Abdul Ghafoor, Namadar Afridi, Haris Khan, Nasim Khan Shalmani, Darwish Khan, Taqdeer Malang Afghani.

Poets presented their poetry on the life of Ameer Hamza Khan Shinwari alias Hamza

Speaking on the occasion, professor doctor Aslam Taseer said that Hamza Shinwari was not only a great and renowned poet but he had a notable personality. He said Hamza Baba gave a well famous name to Pashto poetry at the national and international levels. He said not only poets but intellectuals also respect Hamza Baba for his work done for Pashto poetry.

Participants demanded of the government to celebrate the Hamza Baba anniversary at the government level and provide staff to the Hamza Baba complex built three decades ago in Landikotal.

Hamza Baba nephew Faisal Khan Shinwari thanked the participants and talked about the personal life of his uncle Hamza Baba.